Our Climate Commitments
Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. To limit climate change, every sector across the economy will need to take comprehensive and transformative action to decarbonise. Telenor Asia aims to reduce the emissions of our operations and has ambitions to disclose our emissions using the Science-Based Targets initiative framework.
Since 96% of Telenor Group’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2019 (baseline year) came from electricity and 86% of that came from the use of grid electricity (99% in Nordic, 80% in Grameenphone and Telenor Pakistan), reaching the scope 1 and 2 target is primarily about sourcing renewable grid electricity. Telenor Group uses two mechanisms to source renewable electricity from the grid: Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) and Power Purchase Agreements (PPA).
In markets such as Bangladesh where renewable energy generation is scarce, we are advocating for policy changes to allow for corporate Power Purchasing Agreement (PPAs). We believe this will unlock private sector demand and increase supply of renewable energy.
Digitalisation enables business process improvements and reduces emissions across many sectors and markets. These include decreasing business travel and optimising energy use, all of which, present financial and sustainability benefits. Together with partners, we will develop and invest in enablement solutions, which combine IoT devices and services, data-driven automation and AI.

Scope 1 & 2: Reducing our carbon footprint
Telenor Asia aims to reduce our consumption of carbon-based fuel and electricity and transition to renewable energy to minimise our environmental impact.

Scope 3: Cutting emissions from our supply chain
Telenor Asia will continue to work with our suppliers, partners and associated companies to help them set science-based targets for emission reduction.

Advocating for green energy policies
Telenor Asia and our operating companies are advocating for policy frameworks which support corporate PPAs, renewable energy development and investments.

Enabling customers to reduce emissions
We are creating connectivity solutions which enable our customers to curb emissions.

Our Climate Transition Plan
Telenor Group’s Climate Transition Plan highlights our actions to deliver on our Net-Zero ambitions by 2045.